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Eddy Current Inductive probe

This document describes how to use an eddy current inductive probe in Klipper.

Currently, an eddy current probe can not be used for Z homing. The sensor can only be used for Z probing.

Start by declaring a probe_eddy_current config section in the printer.cfg file. It is recommended to set the z_offset to 0.5mm. It is typical for the sensor to require an x_offset and y_offset. If these values are not known, one should estimate the values during initial calibration.

The first step in calibration is to determine the appropriate DRIVE_CURRENT for the sensor. Home the printer and navigate the toolhead so that the sensor is near the center of the bed and is about 20mm above the bed. Then issue an LDC_CALIBRATE_DRIVE_CURRENT CHIP=<config_name> command. For example, if the config section was named [probe_eddy_current my_eddy_probe] then one would run LDC_CALIBRATE_DRIVE_CURRENT CHIP=my_eddy_probe. This command should complete in a few seconds. After it completes, issue a SAVE_CONFIG command to save the results to the printer.cfg and restart.

The second step in calibration is to correlate the sensor readings to the corresponding Z heights. Home the printer and navigate the toolhead so that the nozzle is near the center of the bed. Then run an PROBE_EDDY_CURRENT_CALIBRATE CHIP=my_eddy_probe command. Once the tool starts, follow the steps described at "the paper test" to determine the actual distance between the nozzle and bed at the given location. Once those steps are complete one can ACCEPT the position. The tool will then move the the toolhead so that the sensor is above the point where the nozzle used to be and run a series of movements to correlate the sensor to Z positions. This will take a couple of minutes. After the tool completes, issue a SAVE_CONFIG command to save the results to the printer.cfg and restart.

After initial calibration it is a good idea to verify that the x_offset and y_offset are accurate. Follow the steps to calibrate probe x and y offsets. If either the x_offset or y_offset is modified then be sure to run the PROBE_EDDY_CURRENT_CALIBRATE command (as described above) after making the change.

Once calibration is complete, one may use all the standard Klipper tools that use a Z probe.

Note that eddy current sensors (and inductive probes in general) are susceptible to "thermal drift". That is, changes in temperature can result in changes in reported Z height. Changes in either the bed surface temperature or sensor hardware temperature can skew the results. It is important that calibration and probing is only done when the printer is at a stable temperature.